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Mid-career Advice for Visual Journalists

SND spring 28 design magazine

A couple months ago, Ohio University’s Knight Fellow Adonis Durado emails me asking for some mid-career advice for visual journalists. Naturally, I jumped at the chance, sent back an email, and forgot about it. Then a couple of weeks ago, SND’s Steve Komives asks me where to send the magazine copies. So …

I’m in it! Hoping my sage words of advice help someone. My career has jumped from newspapers to small business ownership, working my way as a lowly page designer to graphics report and eventually freelance graphic designer. I may not be an expert but I certainly have expertise in reinventing one’s self to adapt to the times. In fact, one of the reasons I left the newspaper business (albeit reluctantly) was because I needed to make moves to survive turbulent times when our newspaper was starting layoffs.

Taking the Leap

The gist of this article is about evolution. It’s important to find new creative outlets. So GO!! Find a new thing! Whether it’s an old hobby or starting a new passion, just do yourself a favor and take that leap. For me, I went back to school and got an MFA so I could be more knowledgeable in motion design. Maybe for you it’s drawing, or karate, or jewelry design. Doesn’t matter. Just do something!

Don’t know how to do it?

Take a class, do some online tutorials (thank you, YouTube), take a fellowship, or just find someone to talk to for advice. Drawing from experience, I can say it’s always better to continue growing as both an artist and a journalist. No matter what direction you choose, just know the secret is determination.

Too often, I hear people expressing that they want to get training. Yet there’s always a but. BUT I don’t have time. BUT I’m not like you, I can’t do this on my own. BUT I need a teacher. That’s just fear talking in your ear.

Circumstances certainly dictate what you may have time for, but you control your future, and you do have the resources at your finger tips.

Do you think I really envisioned owning a graphic design firm? Ten years ago, I would have thought the idea was insane. So you can imagine how the leap to leave my stable job to focus on a freelance business full time, all while raising my (literal) babies, was INSANELY SCARY. But I did it. You can do it too.

If you need support, then message me and I’ll have my poms poms ready to cheer you on.


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