Interactive infographic created by KarBel Multimedia, a creative agency specializing in visual solutions for print and online. We offer graphic design, infographics, animations, and interactive services and more. Learn more about who we are and what we do here.

Graphic design jobs in the U.S. (interactive)
Interested in graphic design? Here are the states with the highest employment of graphic designers and how much money they earn. Employment doesn't include self-employed workers. (As of May 2016)

Photography jobs in the U.S. (interactive)
Interested in photography? Here are the states with the highest employment of photographers and how much money they earn. Employment doesn't include self-employed workers. (As of May 2016)

Average cost of a wedding in the U.S. (interactive)
Planning to get married? Well, you may want to look at this interactive first. The average cost of a wedding may differ significantly depending on where you tie the knot.