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Motion graphics, animations and videos are effective ways of explaining a process. We blend typography, music and art into a thoughtful presentation. Motion graphics are entertaining, as well as informative. They are great for presentations, commercials and more. They are also great for sharing on social media platforms.

Kaufman Rossin Holiday Card animation

Kaufman Rossin Holiday Card Animation

KBM Most Popular Ice Cream Flavors in the U.S. Infographic

KarBel Multimedia Demo Reel V2

KarBel Multimedia Infographic Demo Reel I-85 Bridge Repair motion graphic

Juicebox motion graphic

CBPP Making Schools Hunger Free Motion Graphic

Nuscale Reactor Animation

NuScale Loading the Reactor animation

Herod’s Temple Animation

Sun Sentinel Home Foreclosure Process Motion Graphic

CSC Health Insurance Motion Graphic

CSC Food Plate Motion Graphic

CSC 39-Week Delivery Motion Graphic

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(954) 733-8684

8201 Peters Rd. #1000 Plantation, Fl. 33324