CASE STUDY: SLP4i Eval Matrix microsite web design and development
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CASE STUDY: SLP4i Eval Matrix microsite web design and development
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KarBel Multimedia worked with Strategic Learning Partners for Innovation (SLP4i) to create a microsite for their Eval Matrix.
SLP4i wanted to provide access to their resources to help foundations and nonprofits address long-standing inequities within society.
Originally, the solution was to create an interactive and sortable Excel spread sheet to provide to users. After looking over all of the materials and brainstorming with the SLP4i team, we decided that a more comprehensive direction would be better. Not only would we show the matrix of approaches and principles, but we needed to go more in-depth in helping users understand this process. At that point, the standalone interactive idea evolved into producing a microsite.
The microsite is access through a link on SLP4i’s main page. The microsite includes an overview, key principles, focus areas, philosophies and approaches, the eval matrix and additional resources and acknowledgements pages.
Our goal was to create a site where colors and icons were used to brand the topics to aid users in identifying specific topics throughout the website.
The information is layered so users can get as little information, or dig as deep into the information as they wanted.
The Eval Matrix (which is an interactive table) was created in Dreamweaver using HTML and Javascript. This is the main focus of the project. SLP4i still wanted to give users the ability to sort through the information and give them the option to only see the topics that they felt were in their interest. It includes an option to download the matrix info as well.
The microsite pages were created in WordPress. We also embedded smaller interactives created in Adobe Animate to help users navigate through site in various ways.